The Village Commercial Residential District is intended to reinforce a vibrant village/main street area and provide amenities, services, and resources; to advance improvements to the public realm; to improve pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and to build upon existing assets and maintain the existing character of the community.
The district intends to create a mixed-use area that has a distinct "main street" identity and creates a pedestrian-oriented experience. The district is meant to promote a vibrant commercial environment and provide a broad array of amenities, services, and resources essential to the neighborhood and community shopping needs of the Borough of Prospect Park, with design controls to insure a compatible relationship to adjacent residential neighborhoods, and assurance that infrastructure impacts will be mitigated. The VCR Zoning intends to allow for additional development opportunities while balancing flexibility and restrictions. The district intends to build upon the existing assets and reinforce the existing scale and character of the commercial area while allowing for existing single-family and two-family buildings to remain as permitted uses.